Welcome to the Tesla Referral Site

This site was created to allow everyone to use their Tesla referral and, at the same time, offer Tesla buyers the opportunity to get benefits even if they do not know any Tesla owners.

Do you want to support us or help us cover the expenses associated with its maintenance?

Site StructureStruttura del Sito

  • Navbar: The navigation bar allows you to move between the sections of the site and offers a view of the number of referrals Usable (those currently visible) and the referral number Total register on the site. Referrals that are not usable are not displayed on the site until they are reactivated.
  • Main Pages:
    • Home: The home page is divided into three main blocks:
      • Developer Referrals: Includes referrals from people who contributed to the creation of the site.
      • Lucky Referrals: Contains 5 randomly chosen active referrals.
      • Chronological List: Show the 5 oldest referrals in chronological order.
    • All Referrals: This page lists all usable referrals in chronological order, from oldest to newest.

How to add a Referral

To add your referral, click on the button Add Referral. A pop-up will open where you can enter your referral in the following formats:

  • https://ts.la/username
  • https://www.tesla.com/referral/username
  • www.tesla.com/referral/username

Once entered, the referral will be processed, and if it is valid and usable, it will be added to the list.

Important Note

The control of Usability check of referrals is done once a day using internal criteria. Therefore, you may encounter referrals that are not usable. We strive to keep the system as accurate as possible, but any invalid referrals will be removed or reactivated as needed.

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